Gosh, it's been three months since my last blog. My life has been.. let say.. hectic! :)
I have so much on my plate, from traveling, building and taking care my business back in Indonesia, and also our relocating - yep, we are coming back to the US the end of April.
***sad face***
Anyway, one of the things I wanted to do before I move back to the States is doing one of my favorite sessions, Military Father & Daughter Tea Party. I've been doing this since 2013, I didn't have this session in 2016 though due to someone (a photographer in the US) stealing and using a picture from my Tea Party sessions back in 2014 for her own profit. I was so mad, which made me not wanting to do this session anymore. I got my heart broken.
But I'm alive, life goes on, I need to move on.
Long story short I decided to have this Military Father & Daughter Tea Party sessions for the last time before I move back to the US.
Since I wanted this session to be well-prepared, I talked to Ashley from Summer Design Company who's a client, friend, and also a very talented home designer. Oh goodness, you need to see her house!
It was definitely a right decision to partner with Ashley as we had the same vision.
Below are some images that were taken for our promo shoot.
Look at all these details. Aren't they beautiful?
And we had Ryan and Summer (Ashley's husband and daughter) as our models for our promo photoshoot. Here are few images from theirs.
We immediately launched the sessions after doing the promo shoot. Man was this session popular. It was sold out within a couple hours after we posted it in our local community group. I had no complaint for that! :)
So here are some images from our clients:
1. The Nelsons
2. The Coons
Oh.. What a beautiful doll!
3. The Chamberlains
How if the Dad's on duty? Well, the mother's definitely welcome! :)
This sweetheart is just sooo pretty!
4. The Rhineharts
5. The Corrigans
6. The Shipmans
Look at those eyes! :)
7. The Hoffs
Last but not least, The Hoffs ladies. I had so much laugh during their session. Can you tell why? :)
Thank you so much for the clients above! It's been a pleasure to work with you all. I hope these moments and images will be treasured forever. Don't forget to print and to hang them on display! ;)
And I'm so sorry for those who couldn't be part of this session. My initial plan was to do more, likely a week before I leave Iwakuni, but I know my limit and really don't want to disappoint you all with super long delays of editing due to my relocating, so sadly I would not have any more Tea Party sessions. But hey, I will have this Military Father and Daughter Tea Party sessions again in the US, just keep your eyes on my Facebook page or this website, especially those who are in the Greater Seattle and surrounding areas :)