Our time in Japan has finally come to an end!
It's been an amazing four years here in Japan (Iwakuni) - I guess we are having fun here!
Iwakuni means a lot for me!
It's the place where I got many new American friends; it's the place where I met some amazing Indonesian friends, who are now being my best friends; it's the place where I started my photography business, and a few other businesses; it's the place where I learned so much about life. Iwakuni has a special place in my heart, for sure.
Anyway, a couple weeks before we leave Iwakuni, I did 16 photoshoots during the beautiful cherry blossom season. I know I'm crazy, hey?
The tiny cherry blossoms from Mameka? :)
This year though, the cherry blossoms weren't at their best. They came out late, weren't blooming in the same time, and we got so much rain - which a big no no for the cherry blossoms as they are fragile! I needed to reschedule a looot of clients (note: find a photographer who is flexible for your cherry blossom session, like.. **cough cough** me! :) )
But it's all done. I've finished the editing and have delivered all clients' gallery within 2,5 weeks! It felt.. AH--MAAAZING! :)
I'm going to miss the Kintai bridge's 100 flavor ice cream! :)
On this post, I'd love to thank to all my amazing clients - who mostly become my good friends!
THANK YOU so much for your support for the last 3,5 years, and I apologize if I have any mistake or not being the best photographer for you.
You guys have no idea how your support means A LOT to me! I hope our paths will cross again in the future.
Iwakuni, see you next year! Wait.. SAY WHAT? Yes, I'm planning to be in Iwakuni every cherry blossom season. So.. Who want to get the cherry blossom pictures on 2018 with me?? :)
Nizar, Brian, Koko, Kiko :)